Upload To MEGA Using The Desktop APP

Upload To MEGA Using The Desktop APP

If you are trading metal bootlegs online then chances are you have used MEGA at some point and time. Possibly the fastest & easiest way to upload to your MEGA account is the use the MEGA Desktop App. This quick little tutorial will go over the steps to easily upload your shows to share them with others.

NOTE: This tutorial can be used with Windows or Linux. The app was created for both operating systems. I do not know if it was created to work with a MAC, so if it is, please let us know in the comments.

Preparing Your Upload

Before you upload your show(s) to MEGA, its always a good idea to make sure that you have all the files, covers & info included.

Make It Even Easier

Here are some tips to make this process even easier and organized before you upload.

  • Keep each show in its own folder.
  • Create an “Upload” folder somewhere on your computer where you can find it easily.
  • Put the shows into that “Upload” folder.
  • If your upload is for a trade, put all the shows in a folder with the other trader’s name/nickname on it.
  • Make sure you know where to locate the folder on your computer before getting started.


Once you have your files together you need to locate and open the MEGA Desktop App. You can easily do this if you are using Windows 10 by clicking on the “Show Hidden Icons” button on your far right hand side at the bottom of your screen.

Upload To MEGA Using The Desktop APP Screen 1


Find the MEGA Desktop App icon and click once on it.

Upload To MEGA Using The Desktop APP Screen 2


Once you have clicked on the icon it should open and look similar to the screen shot below. If you have downloaded or uploaded something previously on the app it will show in this box.

Click on the “Upload” button found at the top right of the App.

Upload To MEGA Using The Desktop APP Screen 3

This will open a new window that you navigate to find your show to upload.


Navigate to the folder you wish to upload. As you can see I have my folder on my desktop and its called “UPLOADS“. Double Click to open the folder.

Upload To MEGA Using The Desktop APP Screen 4

NOTE: I’m assuming that you put your shows in an “Upload” folder for this task. If not and the show is in its own folder on your desktop or elsewhere, navigate using this App to the show & highlight the folder.


Inside my “UPLOADS” folder you see the folder that I wish to upload. For the purposes of this tutorial I’m just using a text file inside the folder so its goes quicker.

Upload To MEGA Using The Desktop APP Screen 5

Highlight the folder you want to upload. Don’t open the folder, just click it once to highlight. Click the “Choose” button at the bottom.


Once you have clicked the “Choose” button from above a new small window will open for you to navigate inside your MEGA account. If the place you wish to upload your show(s) is not shown in the window click the “Choose” button on the far right side and move to the folder you wish to upload your show(s) .

Upload To MEGA Using The Desktop APP Screen 6


Once in your account you can create a new folder or you can navigate to the directory you wish to upload to. After you have found where you would like to upload click the “OK” button.

Upload To MEGA Using The Desktop APP Screen 7


In the next box you need to check to ensure that the show is being uploaded where you want it and then click the “OK” button at the bottom.

Upload To MEGA Using The Desktop APP Screen 8


Once your file(s) are successfully uploaded you will see a small green check mark next to each file on the right hand side in your App.

Upload To MEGA Using The Desktop APP Screen 9

What my upload looks like in my MEGA account…

Upload To MEGA Using The Desktop APP Screen 10

If you have any questions please feel free to post a comment here! I’ll do my best to answer!

HerzeleidMeister is a metal bootleg trader from Little Rock, Arkansas who has traded off and on for over 20 years. He enjoys sharing his knowledge & insights with other traders to help them with any trading hurdles they may have.

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